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Zeiljacht Ecolution Wubbo Ockels

  One of the users of our products is former Dutch astronaut Wubbo Ockels. After his innovative sailing yacht ‘Ecolution’ has brought to sink, the OWS alarm and security system has been installed.
The system –which is available for smaller vessels- provides the possibility to exclude existing moving items such as birds, sails and ropes. Only items which are not recognized in the system will be detected. This makes it possible to have the crew below and on deck of the vessel without activating any alarm signals.

The system can be adjusted and set for different situations. For example to be at anchor, protecting against intruders, when moored at a marina, with people walking along the vessel touching the railing, without activating the alarm but activating the alarm only when coming on deck.

The alarm can be monitored and serviced online via the RASC (Remote Access Service Control) and RRS (Remote Reservations System).