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The Remote Reservations System is an internet application and database which is connected
with the MMS system. This system provides the possibility to make reservations on a vessel (or other transportation equipment).

How to use the RRS-system:
Subscribed members receive a personal user pass/card and passwords to log on to the website.

When logged on to the website, the availability of vessels will be shown and the user has the possibility
to make reservations. (with an online payment service). After the reservation has been made, the vessel status for that moment will change into occupied.

On the specific date and time of the reservation, the vessel can be activated only with the personal user pass on which the reservation has been made.

At any moment, the vessel administrator has the possibility;

- Localize the vessel
- Monitor actual technical information (option)
- Monitor status and alarms
- Send text messages to the vessel (option)
- Force stop or start the vessel
- Monitor actual status of reservations